Sunday, July 12, 2009

Why has the Bush Economy Marked a Record 50th Consecutive Month of Job Growth?

November 2, 2007, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released new jobs figures 鈥?166,000 jobs created in October. Since August 2003, 8.31 million jobs have been created, with 1.68 million jobs created over the 12 months that ended in October. Our economy has now added jobs for 50 straight months 鈥?the longest period of uninterrupted job growth on record. The unemployment rate remains low at 4.7 percent.

Surge Working, Military Recruitment Goals being Met, Strong Economy %26amp; Honor %26amp; Dignity Back in the White House.

These are the Salad Days!

Why has the Bush Economy Marked a Record 50th Consecutive Month of Job Growth?

%26quot;America has lost 2.9 million private sector jobs since January 2001. Nearly every state in the nation has lost manufacturing jobs, and, contrary to the administration%26#039;s economic theories, there is nothing good about it,%26quot;

Why has the Bush Economy Marked a Record 50th Consecutive Month of Job Growth?


Double whoopee.....|||because of all the job losses earlier in his administration. what goes down, must go up..... he is a failure as a leader.

what honor and dignity. The prestige of the office of the President has never been lower in the history of this country.

the only job growth and economic growth is with the military contractors.|||Because wal mart and McDonald%26#039;s have been opening new stores and restaurants, respectively|||try selling your house today, honey.

You keep that positive attitude, though!!!

Rock on!

.|||Not only has Bush forced many of those deadbeats into the labor market, the tax cuts have boosted the economy and stimulated growth.|||do you get paid to do this ?

bush = worst President ever ! (really)|||Why? Because joining the military (which has lowered its%26#039; standards to meet the quotas) is considered %26quot;job growth%26quot;

:)|||Because the economy is not nearly as bad as some would have you believe.|||Happy days!|||Wow, You%26#039;ve got to be a bush child. Maybe one he does not claim??????|||The longest period of continuous expansion was 120 months.

It happened under Bush Sr and Clinton.

FACT!|||I knew it was the %26quot;real%26quot; you just by looking at how good the question is,your impersonator is a limited thinker or just plain over education and not a lick of sense. anyway yes Bush economy has provided the jobs for all these years that%26#039;s great it is, the reason is because of the tax breaks to big corporations %26amp; the intreast reduction that tank big corp stock in the dow 1,500 stock market. I think...%26amp; yes these are the salid days,,%26lt;love the slang%26gt; and the Dem,s are already in full retreat from reality,but never the less I will not vote for SCHMUCK Guiliani...chow %26amp; PNAC PENELOPE RULES...up and out girl..F.P|||You and Ohio.Com fail to mention that 50 months ago was at the bottom of the Bush recession. Everything was up from there.

%26quot;Figures don%26#039;t lie but liars can figure.%26quot;|||It%26#039;s simple Bush%26#039;s DOL changed the accounting method to make the job numbers seem to be higher.

Never before in the History of the Labor Dept did they count jobs replacement by normal attrition as new jobs.

Is someone retired and a new employee stepped in to fill that position. Before Bush%26#039;s DOL that job was never counted as a %26quot;New Job%26quot;

Approximately 120,000 people retire every month. With the Bush method all those replacement positions are %26quot;New Jobs%26quot;|||Good Girl!! Sometimes people do get things right and express the reasons well . From the caliber of some responses you have blistered the skin of many BUSHWHACKERS!! Good for you. So many liberals are so blind sighted that they cannot believe the progress the American has made. Never credit conservatives but listen to the poison eminating from the likes of Michael Moore, Al Franken and that Hollywood Director Scorsasi. Hate to think a GOOMBAH is connected with those idiots.|||Unemployment is the same. Doesn%26#039;t that mean for every job created there is one lost? And is it not true that people that have used up their unemployment and still do not have a job are not listed in the rate%? Just asking. Also, a bunch of economists are predicting a recession soon. Just thought you might like to know.|||Easy answer. Bush has quietly cut most wastefull liberal social handout programs and has forced these slackers into the labor market.

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