Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Illegal immigrants and welfare?

I notice alot of questions and comments about how people feel the illegal immigrants are sucking down our welfare benefits....!!!! Must i say... Are you mad because your precious cash and benefits may not be there one day? (i%26#039;m sure most of these comments are from people who are on the assistance and aren%26#039;t working... and bashing on immigrants for taking their source of funding. Plus, I highly doubt they are sucking down our welfare... the women and children (immigrants) usually have a hard working man supporting them.

I personally think for all those comments there has to be some kind of truth behind it. Get off your lazy behinds and work and stop worrying about welfare. If most americans would get off the welfare and just work... Thats a joke... Our unemployment rate isn%26#039;t high due to jobs being sent overseas, its because of how alot of americans wont work certain jobs and would rather live on assistance.

Illegal immigrants and welfare?heart rate

%26quot; (i%26#039;m sure most of these comments are from people who are on the assistance and aren%26#039;t working%26quot;

Wrong Answer Sweetie

CITIZEN TAXPAYERS Fund The VERY Systems That Your Shootin Your UNINFORMED Mouth Off About


TAXPAYERS So The Children Of CITIZENS Get Medical Benefits,

And The Children Of CITIZENS Get An Education, And The Children Of CITIZENS Get Welfare Benefits (WIC Etc.)

Its NOT Set Up For ILLEGAL Immigrants To Have Their Babies So They Can Get Free Benefits Out Of The Pockets Of TAXPAYERS

Those Programs Are There For CITIZENS And WE THE PEOPLE Are NOT Going To Allow You To Take ADVANTAGE Of Us Any Longer

Let Me FURTHER Educate Your Dumb@$$ And Explain To You That Unemployment IS NOT HIGH

ILLEGAL Immigrants Comprise 5 Percent Of The Workforce

And The Unemployment Rate Is 4.7 Percent

Can YOU Do The Math??? Let Me Do It FOR You


Stop BASHING Hardworking American Citizens

Get An Education, Youve Got ALOT To Learn

Illegal immigrants and welfare?


You%26#039;re right! Point well taken!|||first off, illegal immigrants shouldn%26#039;t be in this country, let alone recieving money

and people have a right to be pissed off

theyre paying social security that isnt going to be there when they retire|||I%26#039;ve said it before and I%26#039;ll say it again...Illegal immigrants don%26#039;t get benefits from welfare. They may get medical for there US born children, but they generally make too much money to qualify for cash or food stamps for there kids.|||Well; no question in that is there, just all your personal hard core beliefs with no facts to back them up. Welfare is probably the smallest part of the equation used by some illegal immigrants. Medicare, medical, and other health care subsidies on the other hand are FREEKING HUGE if you would wake up and see that you might be angry to note how much of your tax dollar goes to that.

I really doubt those on welfare or those even using medical services provided by the government are worried about the illegal aliens consuming these resources. Those types of people don%26#039;t worry about it unless its not there for them; its the people PAYING FOR IT that worry. Its hard to pay for it, and I work hard.

I%26#039;m sure you care very litte about the fact that today is a big day for us who actually pay taxes. This day, May 26, is the last day of taxes...by that I mean every day of this year from Jan. 1 to may 26 I worked for the government. They took every single dollar I earned from January 1, and for the rest of the year I finally get to work for myself.|||They are %26quot;sucking down%26quot; welfare. Those who carp the most are workers paying taxes that are too high because of welfare inflated by illegal aliens. And, get with the program, our unemployment rate is the lowest it has been in nearly a decade.|||I have said this from day ONE. Thank you......thank you.....someone else finally got it. OH but

this is the answer you are going to get: (I wish I could say it with a southern drawl) That is the right of the American citizen. They live here and that is their right to collect benefits when needed.....

You are going to get alot of those answers......but how many illegals CAN actually file.....not illegally they can%26#039;t. Check into it....I did.|||Well there is an inverse relation to the amount of benefits beign used for illegal immigrants. Not so much in the standard welfare but in schools, free lunch, WIC, and free healthcare. For instance, and ESL (English Second Language) student cost about 30% to educate for the first 3 years. When you have a household of 5 with two kids in school and a third on wic and babycare, it does not matter how much the %26quot;hard working man%26quot; pays in taxes, it is still a negative as far as the resources they use.

All that being said, there are many reasons why people want to become citizens of our great country. Free and unearned benefits should not be among them.|||tell it to our construction workers, roofers , maids , ect, who cant work in these fields anymore do to illegals. it wasn%26#039;t magical little fairies that built all the stuff around us before they came. my sister speaks spanish i also have a Friend who works for the dept of human service%26#039;s, and she was told to work around their fake or lack of documents. they also receive wic . so you have no ideal what you speak of .

stop the worry about paying for a whole country besides us absolutely stupid cute but stupid.|||Minimum wage jobs don%26#039;t even pay for basic necessities anymore. Most of the people in this country on welfare are working minimum wage jobs. Wal-mart even helps its workers apply for welfare benefits. The amount of living wage jobs in this country are scarce.

Illegal immigrants are not supposed to be here.|||i work and take of my family on one income if you go into the welfare office most of what you see is mexicans not white and where not lazy if you look at the way they live(wetbacks) they all move into one house then all go apply for food cash etc go into walmart and you will see two bascet fill to the top with food etc so shut the **** up and you stop complaing|||I dont believe that illegals can apply for welfare. Isnt there a process for that. Also with all the fake social security cards they get so they can work. They pay taxes and will never reap the benefits from the taxes they pay. If you think about it they are helping out the social security benefits for the ones that deserve it. Its being taken out of the checks weekly. Dont you think its odd that the focus has turned to Illegal immigrants from mexico?

Is the government trying to take our attention away from other things?

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