Thursday, July 16, 2009

Has anybody else ever sat up at night and worried so much...?

about what is going to happen to America that they couldn%26#039;t sleep? Seriously, I didn%26#039;t get to sleep until 2:00 last night and I got in bed at 11:30 because I was thinking about Social Security, and the deficit, and the prospects of other countries refusing to buy our bonds, and the illegal immigrant problem, and the unemployment rate especially in Michigan, and other things. I know a lot of people worry about what life is going to be like for the kids, but I am the kid and is my generation doomed?

Has anybody else ever sat up at night and worried so much...?online loan

Wow. I%26#039;m impressed that you are worrying about such big issues rather than about the more mundane things that keep most of your contemporaries awake. I guess the only prospective I can offer you is that when enough people get concerned about problems, eventually they get solved, although there is a lot of posturing and name calling and dramatics in the process before things get worked out. When I was a kid, we used to have drills in school where we would practice what to do if the USSR dropped the bomb on us (like hiding under our desks would save us from a nuclear bomb!) and then years later, I had a Russian friend who had immigrated here after the cold war was over and she told me that little Russian school kids had been doing the same thing. Now the USSR is gone, the cold war is over, and we have new worries -- terrorists and rogue nations that have the bomb. There are economic concerns, too, but really in the greater scheme of things, I worry more about the terrorists. But I don%26#039;t sit up at night worrying about it, because I am powerless to do much. (I have an occasional sleepless night when I am worried about one of my teenage kids, but I can%26#039;t make them do everything I wish they would do either.) I guess I have faith that there are enough good people in the world that in the end we can make things right. One thing we all have to do is not depend on the government or anyone else to take care of us. We have to take responsibility for our own lives. I am not counting on social security to sustain me. If enough people in every generation take responsibility first for themselves and then to begin solving the problems around them, we can work it out. The fact that you are so concerned means that you can be part of the solution. Get educated, get active, and help build a better future for you and those who come after you.

Has anybody else ever sat up at night and worried so much...? loan

Worry can%26#039;t and won%26#039;t help dear! Go to sleep! I pray! That is all I can do! bye|||SO HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THE MIDDLE EAST?|||I sleep like a baby|||dont worrie, so what if its the end of our world, live life liek its your last days..enjoy it before we all r doomed|||ok. the same thing happened to me. but I couldn%26#039;t wait until tommorrow and I was like up the whole time. Just don%26#039;t get curious about anything and don%26#039;t be nervous.|||i don%26#039;t blame you for not being able to sleep. That%26#039;s a lot to think about. But I don%26#039;t know how i can do anything about it so i kinda just let things play out.|||Yeah, I do that alot. I think its only normal to worry, if you arent worried or concerned about the future of this country somethings wrong with you.|||I worry too. But when I get worried that much about it- I start praying. Before I know it, I%26#039;ve fallen asleep mid-prayer. I%26#039;m sure the Lord understands it, perhaps that%26#039;s why I fall asleep. It%26#039;s in His hands and He gives me rest.|||before going to sleep drink a cup of harm milk... this hepls me a lot|||well, i can%26#039;t say i have ever really worried about that. there have been times that i worry about my bills, worry about feeding my family, or having enough gas money to get back and forth to work. that kind of thing, but as far as the government, we will always have some kind of problem, better to just let the officials do what they do.|||i went to bed at 11 30 and i was up to 3 am.|||1) Go and vote on the election day

Do not vote for people who have Gay rights on the agenda. VOTE for people who have prices of gas, grocery and education on their agendas.|||Yes I have. I%26#039;ve actually cried a few times. I don%26#039;t have a clue what%26#039;s going to happen to this country and it%26#039;s probably not good. I hate that everything in this country is just getting worse, I%26#039;m going off to cry about it now.|||Remember......If you have no control or cannot change it.........Don%26#039;t worry about it. ....It does NO GOOD....You should think about Good things and lay your head down and get a good nights sleep....Sleep tight and Good Night!|||why worry

what will it do

will it change to course of what is going to or not going to happen


all it will do is cause you to have panic and anxiety attacks and great issues for you over something that you have NO CONTROL over|||I used to worry about everything too. Then someone told me I need to know the difference between the things I am able to change and accept what I can not. Also, a lot of negative energy is used when you need to reserve for the positive energy in your life.||| need a life|||you need to leave the worrying to the government, many people don%26#039;t realize how well this country is doing right now as it has been for the last several decades. The United States is in an age of prosperity and what could be the equivalent of the golden ages of many ancient civilizations. There is a good government, order, and a good economy in this country. Be happy you live in this country and stop you%26#039;re moaning and whining. You make it sound like this country is going to fall into some sort of maddening dictatorship where people are being killed in the streets. Our government has gone through much worser things than the ones you mentioned above, like World War Two and the great deppresion. The future is very bright for this country, you%26#039;re just looking at the negatives. I am only fifteen and can realize how amazing this country is. You should also, then you will get some sleep|||good to know we still have young people who are focused and concerned that can eventually make a difference and send this nation in the right direction; however, be careful and don%26#039;t let your worries consume you|||Well a way to get your mind to go blank so u can sleep is to excersie (is it spelled right?) because it tires ur body and helps you relax. You have to go and talk to a phycologist (spelled right?). Well if u don%26#039;t get help ur gonna b lik me. I DON%26#039;T SLEEP AT ALL!!! Also you might not be able to sleep cause your not ready to sleep. Try the natural sleeping pills (ones wit no drugs). So lik im hiper at skol and full of energy along wit horrible mood swings!

Hope dis helps!|||Don%26#039;t worry about things that you cannot control. Do YOUR part and the rest will fall into place. Sorry about your lack of;s a bear.|||yeah-my parents worried about what kind of world I would grow up in...i was born in the 60%26#039;s...everyone thought America was over as a nation-civil rights-black people fought back cause at the time, they were treated like dirt -so there was racial violence and tension-demonstrations in the streets, Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr was shot-the war in Vietnam-which was very unpopular...The Cold War between America and Russia to see who could destroy each other first with the biggest nuclear weapon...My point is that America is still here-there are still problems but eventually they work out-someone of your generation probably does not realize how serious these events were to America at that time.....|||i do. in fact i have to self medicate to fall asleep. for the past four years i%26#039;ve been contacting senators and representatives, but they have money to make. Mr. Feingold and Mr. Murtha are alright, but they are only 2 guys. %26quot;we are the temporary custodians of the world our children inherit%26quot;. i try to make this world a better place every day in doing whatever i do. recycle, turn the lights out in the unoccupied room, cook at home. young people have every right to be young until they get a bit older, or at least thats what i assume. people like you and i need to voice our collective displeasure with how the system grinds away. all we have is hope, and i am glad that it%26#039;s such a powerful hope. a hope where we treat each other as equals, as we are our brothers and sisters keeper. if i may give you some words of hope:

How happy is the little stone

That rambles in the road alone,

And doesn%26#039;t care about careers

And exigencies never fears--

Whose coat of elemental brown

A passing universe put on,

And independent as the Sun

Associates or glows alone,

Fulfilling absolute decree

In casual simplicity--

Emily Dickinson|||Lots of younger people have these problems but as they grow older and weary these problems dissipate.

Change what you can%26#039;t accept,accept what you can%26#039;t change.

Learning to know the difference between the two is the hard part.

Things probably won%26#039;t change in your country better to accept the way they are.If however see a way to help like charity work this may help you sleep.|||Read some history! Every generation has thought the world was going to hell and nothing had ever been worse. It%26#039;s just human nature and actually a bit of vanity and narcissism to believe that we as a people have so much influence on the world and the environment. Or just drink a lot...that%26#039;ll help too.|||dont know your age but you need to have more hope for the future, we have a good maker that is still in control.. have faith|||Yes, I do worry. When we are 8.4 trillion in debt, fighting an war we cannot win that we were lied about the reasons for, losing our freedoms, our government is spying on Americans, we have a president with no respect for the constitution and a complicit Republican congress that refuses to investigate, the cost of healthcare is skyrocketing, millions of illegals are crossing our borders and the President refuses to do anything about it, the dollar is dropping against every major currency in the world, AND SOME PEOPLE HAVE THEIR HEADS SO FAR UP THEIR A$S THAT THEY THINK WE ARE LIVING IN THE GOLDEN AGE, I worry.|||Do the footwork to prepare for tomorrow, but keep your emotions in today. All of the bad things may not happen.

%26quot;A coward dies a thousand deaths a brave man only one.%26quot; Meaning you don%26#039;t know if the best or worst will occur, so wait until it happens, or at least until you can take some concrete action to help yourself.

There is a lot you can worry about, but unless there is something you can do about it, what good is worrying?|||It%26#039;s not only you...more than half of these people get at least 4 hours of sleep believe it or not...due to stress and depression and all sorts of problems in todays world...just smoke a bowl and relax...everything will be just will be in bed in no time honey!|||It%26#039;s good to care about things, but unhealthy to obsess about them.

People have been saying America would be gone within 10 years for about 230 years now. Read some of the writings of Jefferson, or Lincoln, or the Federalist papers.

And do what I do - each morning you wake up is another day that the end hasn%26#039;t come yet. I bet you could live to be 100 thinking like that!

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