Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Just curious...?

people always say that immigrants are taking our jobs. however, our nation has a very, very low unemployment rate (less than 10% which is almost fully employed)

so if basically all of our labor force is employed despite immigrants fulfilling jobs, then how exactly are they stealing jobs?

i am NOT making an inference. i am seriously asking this question because i know someone out there has an explanation for both sides.

Just curious...?credit bureau

It just shows you how ignorant we Americans can be and the tremendous power the media has in us. Many people just %26quot;blindly%26quot; and %26quot;deafly%26quot; believe what they hear and don%26#039;t care about questioning it and much less researching the statistics to prove that it is true. Everyone in the media is saying that immigrants are taking over jobs, people believe it without questioning and keep on spreading the word. No one questions the %26quot;fact%26quot; and before you know it everyone is attacking and blaming the immigrants out of ignorance!!!! =)

Just curious...? loan

Deportation, deportation, deportation, deportation, deportation, deportation, deportation, deportation, deportation, deportation, deportation, deportation, deportation, deportation, deportation, deportation, deportation, deportation, deportation, deportation,

NOW.|||The 4.5% only counts those actively looking for work. It does not count those, for instance, in school full-time because they cannot get a job. I found myself in that situation for over 18 months.

You should also look at the statistics more deeply. The unemployment rate for college graduates (Bachelors and above) is very low indeed. However, it gets higher and higher for those with less formal education. Many people who did not graduate from high school have difficulty finding jobs. There used to be manual labor jobs for those people. Granted, immigrants are not the sole cause of the problem, but there is no doubt that it is cheaper to employ an illegal immigrant than it is to employ a citizen or legal resident, simply because there are no payroll or withholding taxes to worry about.

By the way, as a legal immigrant I detest illegals being here and taking up resources without paying their way (I do taxes for a living so I am familiar with the cost to the country). I have also, in my time, taken jobs that people do not want to do. I did that so that I could get ahead. There are millions of people who have come to the USA and done that, and we have managed to do it legally.|||What people are saying is that Illegal aliens are taking jobs and driving down wages among other things. Illegal aliens do not qualify as legitimate workers by virtue of their immigration status. If an illegal alien is working it is keeping a legal immigrant from that very position. In essence, that illegal stole an opportunity that he/she was not eligible for. When they steal something they take something from an entity IE: person, community,organization that otherwise does not belong to them.|||US population 300million -4.5%= 13.5 million unemployed

12 million illegal aliens

while not 100% of the population is of working age, niether is the population of illegal aliens, so I%26#039;ll give you the 1.5 million.

12 million to 12 million....seems to me that we could be at 100% employment rate without the illegal aliens being here.

EDIT~~~~~Because immigration increases the supply of U.S. labor, it reduces wages or makes jobs more scarce for natives. Job competition between immigrants and natives is especially fierce at the bottom of the labor market, because so many immigrants are employed in the low-skilled/low-wage segments of the economy. When the average American wage exceeds the average Mexican wage by a factor of ten, even the most menial American job can be a forceful inducement to emigrate.

The large number of immigrants with low levels of education means that immigration policy has dramatically increased the supply of workers with less than a high school degree. Although immigrants comprise about 12 percent of America%26#039;s workforce, they account for 31 percent of high school dropouts in the workforce. This means that any effects on the wages or job opportunities of natives will disproportionately affect less-skilled workers. Immigrants are 60 percent more likely to be employed in low-skilled occupations than are native-born workers.

As a consequence, poverty in the U.S. is increasingly being driven by immigration policy. Between 1979 and 1997, immigrant households increased their representation in the U.S. population by 68 percent, but over that same period their share of the total poor population increased 123 percent. And the gap between the immigrant and native poverty rates is widening - this gap tripled between 1979 and 1997.

One of the factors that is thought to mitigate the consequences of immigrant poverty is entrepreneurship, with immigrant small businessmen supposedly recharging our nation%26#039;s creative spirit. Unfortunately, research shows that while immigrants were once significantly more entrepreneurial than natives, that is no longer true.

Between 2000 and 2005, 4.1 million immigrant workers arrived from abroad, accounting for 86 percent of the net increase in the total number of employed persons (16 and older), the highest share ever recorded in the United States.

Of the 4.1 million new immigrant workers, between 1.4 and 2.7 million are estimated to be illegal immigrants. This means that illegal immigrants accounted for up to 56 percent of the net increase in civilian employment in the United States over the past five years.

Between 2000 and 2005, the number of young (16 to 34) native-born men who were employed declined by 1.7 million; at the same time, the number of new male immigrant workers increased by 1.9 million.

Multivariate statistical analyses show that the probability of teens and young adults (20-24) being employed was negatively affected by the number of new immigrant workers (legal and illegal) in their state.

The negative impacts tended to be larger for younger workers, for in-school youth compared to out-of-school youth, and for native-born black and Hispanic males compared to their white counterparts.

It appears that employers are substituting new immigrant workers for young native-born workers. The estimated sizes of these displacement effects were frequently quite large.

The increased hiring of new immigrant workers also has been accompanied by important changes in the structure of labor markets and employer-employee relationships. Fewer new workers, especially private-sector wage and salary workers, are ending up on the formal payrolls of employers, where they would be covered by unemployment insurance, health insurance, and worker protections.|||the unemployment rate is based on people receiving unemployment compensation. when their unemployment payments run out(or they have not yet filed) they are off the list. also not on the list are people that have quit for some reason or have been fired etc. there a lot of reasons that they are not on the list.|||you are a nice guy Sergio|||First the unemployment numbers to not reflex the true state of employment or unemployment in the USA. Even it they do it does not give the illegals the right to come and make themselves at home, put their children in schools, and then steal or buy document so that they can have all that we have to ofter. Why do many such as yourself not understand that we the citizens of the USA have the right to control our borders and have a say in the matter of who can come|||LOW unemployment rate? Where do you live?|||You are right but this rant is so convenient to their argument. They would not take a job farming or McDonalds. I know I wouldn%26#039;t but then again I have a degree and a career already so no one is taking my job away. OUR jobs are not being taken away! Some companies are going overseas because production cost is cheaper. Don%26#039;t worry, it%26#039;s an argument that will be heard probably a thousand times more, it gets tiring, really.|||It is renewed racism against Native Americans. Latin is an Italian language.

Sexism and Racism cost government nothing.|||you do pose an interesting question.

so, all of a sudden people WANT to work at Walmart? want to work in the fields of Fresno?

If the job you are seeking puts you in a position in which you must compete with illegal immigrants, then it must not be a very good job.

its a job that a high school dropout would want.

unfortunately, all the people that shout deport deport deport

SHOULD look be looking at how illegal immigration out.

i highly doubt the deport shouters would WANT to do the jobs.

so if not them, then who?

the only ones who should be deported are the gangbangers.

they cause the crime. they should be deported, legal or illegal.

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