Thursday, July 16, 2009

Are you concerned that the Canadian dollar is now worth more than the American dollar?

Not to mention the dollar is now worth almost half of the Euro or are you one of those Limbaugh economist will say... ohhh it doesn%26#039;t matter the unemployment rate is under 5%!!

Are you concerned that the Canadian dollar is now worth more than the American dollar?commericial loan

bushbots have been told by their master that it%26#039;s a good thing. they%26#039;re still under that obvious delusion.

Are you concerned that the Canadian dollar is now worth more than the American dollar? loan

Nope.|||I%26#039;m not concerned....good for them. Maybe we can take a hint and figure out what we%26#039;re doing wrong. know we won%26#039;t, though.|||dude, the worlds gonna end|||not really|||a little|||Yea that%26#039;s the first thing on my list of problems...|||i live in canada and IM FLIPPIN HAPPY NOW THE PRICES IN ZELLERS ARE WAY LOWER AND I AM PROWED TO BE CANADIAN YAY!!!|||Nope I actually am happy since I am a canadian I say it%26#039;s about time we got a little better end of that deal instead of getting ripped off on all things from america when our dollar was so low.|||That%26#039;s because Canadian Republicans are so much better than the American ones|||they really arent thing you can pay for with candaian money is usally more expensive|||I%26#039;m going to Europe next month and I%26#039;m bummed. I won%26#039;t be able to spend like I was planning.|||Nope. I enjoy shopping on Ebay a lot more now.|||Yes. I kid you not, an OKC neo-con asked me if I got this same info that you are asking about from the the %26quot;liberal media%26quot;.

I was showing him a photo of these low energy costs heaters I just ordered. He asked why? I went on to tell him that energy costs are projected to go up this winter. For no reason, he started talking about the %26quot;liberal media%26quot; as if they made this up.

He then asked (out of nowhere) what country is doing better than the US. I responded that the US us actually rated the 5th best place to live, so there are four more rthat are rated better. He then said that I was in the wrong country. All because I was showing him a picture of a heater. Neo-cons...|||... they gained .25 dollars. so basically they are almost even with us but still under last i checked. and that is mostly due to the war america is in. after that american dollar will proly go back up.|||Not at all...particularly since I%26#039;m planning to be living in Canada 9 months out of the year, starting next spring.|||Nope.

my biz is converted into US dollars.

Oh don%26#039;t have ant Euros or Canada$ in my pockets so no bigg deal.|||Pretty stoked on this as I live in Canada. Ordering stuff from American mail orders is so cheap now!|||Of course, who wouldn%26#039;t be...|||Nope.|||I wasn%26#039;t concerned about it when the American dollar was worth more than the Canadian dollar, and I have a feeling the trend will continue.|||You are confused. the euro is closer 1.5 USD, not 2.

It is the best thing for the US. It improves our exports, makes oil very expensive (thus providing impetus to change), and makes all the USD held by foreign governments less valuable.

Americans need to learn to stop spending money they don%26#039;t have anyway.|||I am very concerned. We need to go back to the gold standard.

The value of the dollar is falling faster the Bush%26#039;s approval rating!|||well, i%26#039;m no conservative. but to me it doesn%26#039;t matter because although a canadian dollar is now worth more than the American dollar, and the dollar is now worth almost half of the Euro, it still stands that an American is worth more than a canadian, and twice as much as a european. but yea, the economic %26quot;policy%26quot; sucks.|||Could care less. Can%26#039;t think of a thing I would want to buy in Canada...........|||The value of the dollar in relation to other currencies fluctuates on a reoccurring basis. I%26#039;m not overly concerned.

Are you? Who%26#039;s your economics wizard?|||There are good sides to the devaluationof the dollar. First and foremost it will decrease our imports (they will cost more than domestic) and increase our exports (cheaper goods for overseas). This means a more balanced trade.

More goods being made here means more jobs here. Less outsourcing. More jobs here means more money spent here. Great for the economy.

But it will all cycle again. This is why we try and balance the economy and lessen the impacts of major down turns.|||Ya the USA is all screwed but no-one believes how bad. They all blind and believe what comes out of bush%26#039;s mouth. I guess it is what is truly meant by blind faith.

They well say anything to get your votes republicans and democrates because they know the average american is stupid and well not question or research what is coming out of there mouths.|||Canadian Dollar is 1.05 US Dollar,so is not more worth than the US Dollar.

But what do expect ?

with a debt of 3.3 TRILLION dollars to China, a megaexpensive war in the middle east ( with one day of war in irak, 500,000 KIDS can have Social Security and medical assistance FOR FREE) and a bankruptcy from the real state in almost half nation, what do you expect ???

and it%26#039;s just the beginning...|||OMG!!! Inflation of the $ while asian economies are growing huge, gas is expensive, problems with Iran, Jimmy Carter is back, new Rockey movie, trying to get out of unpopular conflict overseas, huge debt, Commies in South America, crappy music..........

dear lord........


Do the hustle!|||Not concerned at all!

My Canadian orders are going way up %26amp; I am drowing in Canadian$%26#039;s!

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