Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Do you think President Bush was never given a chance to do his job because so many people just criti

I Think that Partisan politics picked on him so much that no matter how good the economy is, the lowest unemployment rate etc... .. People will still say he wasnt a good president.

But the main issue here is American Presidents dont make all the decisions. There is congress and so forth..

I think so long as we make this country all about Democrats or Republicans, that no matter how good a president is or how hard he or she tries they will always have to walk on eggshells because so many people want them to make mistakes.

Its a shame people cant just focus on the good but instead only bring out the negative that is going on.

Nobody ever talks about the greatness we all have in this country. Everyone just wants to complain. Its a democracy I know but I believe people today just dont care because we are all so busy with the internet, work, multi tasking, etc... that we are only expected to complain.

I personally believe every president we ever had was a good president.

Do you think President Bush was never given a chance to do his job because so many people just critisize?payment calculator


Do you think President Bush was never given a chance to do his job because so many people just critisize? loan

Shouldn%26#039;t this be in the Jokes and Riddles section? LOL JK

Uhhh, no I think Bush has been given ample opportunity to do right by the American people and has failed to step up to the plate.|||if you can%26#039;t perform properly in the public sector because of crticism, you%26#039;re not suited for the public sector|||Bush does whatever he pleases, whenever he pleases. No president since Lincoln has had such Imperial Powers. You are way off of the mark.

I hope our next president cedes those powers back to Congress, where they belong, so our ship of state will stop bleeding money on Bush%26#039;s international follies.

This is the man who answered %26quot;I can%26#039;t think of any mistakes I%26#039;ve made%26quot; and you say he is not allowed to perform in office?|||Bruja is right, he (bush) has been given aple opportunity. Take for example the Child Health Care issue that was SUPPOSED to help children. Aparently Bush doesnt like kids that are in a lower finacial bracket then him and decides to show it. Besides I met him once, off camera hes a lot of words which i would get reported for.|||i think more people laugh at him rather than criticize him. i have a couple Bush jokes and I%26#039;m from a third world southeast Asian nation. (thanks to Leno and Conan)|||I think Bush is just a puppet, a front for the real controllers of America, and, for longer than I care to think about, the world. I presume you are a USA citizen. OK, that%26#039;s not your fault. But please... Can you take on board the idea that most of the world is not USA, but serves US agendas, through coercion/%26#039;incentive%26#039; of various sorts? They won%26#039;t play the US tune? Fine, let%26#039;s see how they survive without their world connections (snip snip), with economic blockades, veiled threats to other nations to not muck up what the US is up to... it is now routine, as the US now has its fingers in just about all the main pies, to manipulate other nations to achieve its ends. How can Donald Rumsfeld say publicly that America is THE superpower, not just A superpower, and that anyone who didn%26#039;t like its policies will have to like it or suffer? Because he can, that%26#039;s why. It%26#039;s called FORCE MAJEURE, the same principle by which the practice of %26#039;Jus Prima Noctae%26#039; was upheld - the Law of the First Night giving the English Laird the right to take a Scots virgin bride from her husband on the day of marriage for the %26#039;first night%26#039; of that marriage, i.e. legalised rape, the main justification being force majeure, or raw power. The Juggernaut of America rapes the world 24/7/365, a giant rolling rock, flattening out all the individuality in our once so diverse planet and replacing it with the double-figure IQ, self gain driven culture that is the good ol%26#039; US of A. Homogenised Planet Earth, at heart bereft of anything real or lasting. And neither Bush, Obama, Jesus Christ nor anyone else is gonna change things. Anyone who believes otherwise has bought into the Big Lie, and doesn%26#039;t or can%26#039;t see the Big Picture. Anyway, when you get into power unelected, implement long-established plans to manipulate public opinion into actually ASKING for tighter restrictions on personal freedom (9/11 for example), in spite of the evidence of graphologists, lip readers, body language psychology, the New York Firefighters Union etc etc etc, you are going to come a cropper when the evidence is so overwhelming that even people who fell out over this issue now agree that we%26#039;re all treated like mushrooms - kept in the dark and fed a lot of ****. If you still WANT to believe in the icon %26#039;America%26#039; then so be it, but don%26#039;t say you weren%26#039;t warned when the penny finally drops.

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