Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What should I do about my LIBERAL neighbor?

He and his %26#039;partner%26#039; Ken keep calling me a facist Neocon. They want me to take down my BUSH 2004 yard sign that I have up since July 2004. I tell them it%26#039;s my property and if I want to celebrate the re-election of the Great Liberator GWB it%26#039;s well within my constituional rights to do so. What is wrong with supporting a man who;

Created a SMOKING HOT ECONOMY: Since August 2003, more than 8 million jobs have been created, with more than 1.9 million jobs created over the twelve months ending in May. Our economy has now added jobs for 45 straight months, and the unemployment rate remains low at 4.5 percent.

Has brought Honor %26amp; Dignity back to the White House after the impeached Clinton.

Since 9/11, has kept us safe by preventing another MAJOR terror attack on USA soil.

Appointed Judicial STUDS Roberts %26amp; Alito

What should I do about my LIBERAL neighbor?loans uk

Put up a sign that says:


What should I do about my LIBERAL neighbor?


Put up more signs that annoy them.|||Yeah, right. I think Ken wrote this question to annoy his partner.|||nyuk nyuk nyuk...too bad most people won%26#039;t realize you are joking. I love you though. tell ken i said hi.|||I think his commuting the sentence of Libby shot that honor and dignity to hell|||Dog crap in the flaming lunch bag...Works every time....|||I%26#039;d put up a few more signs ; )

Vince|||Recommend a good real estate agent to them.|||You should pity them. Look who they%26#039;re stuck living next door to.|||YEEEEEEEEHAWWWWWWWWW.

GEORGE W. BUSH THE POWERFUL IN %26#039;08. WRITE HIM IN!!!!!!!!|||Add another sign that reads %26quot;I support Freedom Of Speech Do You%26quot;? maybe you will get him to think about it.

I would like to add that my best friend is a liberal and we don%26#039;t have these kind of problems.|||I am a Liberal. What a person chooses to agree with or disagree with is their own business. You have the choice to support who you wish as does your neighbor. You have the right to voice your opinion but so does your neighbor. You cannot inhibit the right to free speech as long as that speech remains within the boundaries of legality and neither can your neighbor. You may keep your sign and your neighbor may remain vocal|||putting aside the fact that i think you are very wrong with your political beliefs, you have every right to do as you please on your property.|||My saying is b*llocks to politics, I cant stand it and over here in the UK I think they all talk a load of crap and in my opinion Bush is much the same but that is my opinion.

Your neighbours need to respect your right for freedom of expression and they need to get on with their own lifes. What you choose to belive and support is absolutely nothing to do with anybody else at all but you and quite frankly the next time your neighbour and his partner start kicking off I would tell them to shut the fcuk up! Pardon my french|||Put up a bigger sign, or just do what I would do and tell them to go **** themselves. Who is you favorite candidate for 2008? Maybe put a sign up for him.|||what are youuuuuuuu smokin%26#039;?!?!?!!?! somethings making you delusional!|||Bush%26#039;s hot economy? Clinton had unemployment down to under 4%. Beats Bush. The stock market had 8 years of steady growth under Clinton. Six years of stagnation under Bush. Plus he turned the biggest surpluses into the biggest deficits.

%26quot;Honor and Dignity%26quot; is a code word for %26quot;didn%26#039;t get a BJ%26#039;. He has disgraced the office by undermining our entire system of Checks %26amp; Balances and Separation of Powers. That%26#039;s a teeny bit more serious.

The only reason there hasn%26#039;t been another attack on our soil is that Al Qaeda chooses not to. They can at any time. But they have us where they want us, bleeding to bankruptcy in a Middle Eastern War we cannot win.

Roberts and Alito are Judicial Activists. Phony.

Your neighbors are true Patriots. You%26#039;re not. They should BURN DOWN your silly sign.|||Put up more signs and laugh at them every time they say something even if it pi**** you off.

Don%26#039;t give them any answers just laugh and point, that will pi** them off even more because you will not be acknowledging them.|||Put up MORE signs. Liberals are nothing more than self-loathing NAZIS.|||Keep your sign up as long as you please, it%26#039;s your property. But why do you have to DO something about it? They have a different opinion, and that is their right. Same as your right to leave a sign in your yard. If you don%26#039;t want to hear it then don%26#039;t engage in conversation with them about it. Be careful what you ask for. If you somehow get them to move chances are someone else will move in that isn%26#039;t too fond of Bush, after all your odds aren%26#039;t too good with 2/3%26#039;s of the nation mad as hell at the man.|||You forgot his other accomplishments:

Preventing democracy at home and abroad!

Protecting us from another Anthrax mailing without even catching the perpetrator!

Making Saddam more dignified in death than in life!

Encouraging an independent Kurdistan (take that Turkey!)

Ridding us of our troublesome civil liberties

Record High profits for Big Oil AND Halliburton

Record High Uninsured!


Helping to ween us off our dangerous addictions to peace, freedom and discretionary spending!|||I have no problem with you having a sign posted in your front yard. Some communities however have rules against %26quot;things that are hard on the eyes%26quot; being displayed in your yard such as a broken down car or farm equipment which I am sure is the case with your house. So the sign may fall under this category.

As for the smoking hot economy that is debatable.

As for the Honor and Dignity being back in the white house that is beyond laughable.|||go join them for a week end of sex and politics...I%26#039;m sure by the time it%26#039;s over your sexual orientation and political overview will take on new dimensions. I believe you might find the great GWB liberating his libido there as he is great friends of ken and his%26quot;partner%26quot; and the four of you STUDS can create a MAJOR attack of your own on USA soil. Roberts %26amp; Alito are likely to sign in as well|||Old Buddie if you think George W. Bush has brought Honor back to the white house you must have mud for brains. this man lied and has got over 3500 Americans killed And you think he brought honor back to the white house. he just commuted Libby%26#039;s sentence and covered up a treason to our country which is a death sentence. Bush, Cheney and scooter all three should be in jail of hung and you say that crooked idiot brought honor to the white house?? Shame on you for being so uninformed|||Give them a BJ. Liberals hate Better Jobs

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