Thursday, July 16, 2009

Are Libs upset because George Bush has created the best economy in 50 years?

Dow over 12 points with the lowest Unemployment rate since the Depression.

Are Libs upset because George Bush has created the best economy in 50 years?quick loan

It%26#039;s eating them alive!! Fred Thompson for President, let%26#039;s keep the prosperity going.

Are Libs upset because George Bush has created the best economy in 50 years?


Don%26#039;t jinx us the market is down again today!|||No! They are upset that they couldn%26#039;t figure this out and JFK said he wanted to do similar things. But the leaders in hs own party killed him, because he didn%26#039;t say more taxes!|||Libs are just chronically upset. It%26#039;s a philosophical flaw. Their ideology is wrought with false religion and guilt.|||I find it amazing that people who genuinely WANT to better themselves managed to thrive during his administration.|||That is the most sick and twisted thing I have read all day!

The deficit is the highest it has ever been!

The Federal Government continues to print dollars out of thin air further devaluing the U.S. dollar!

When China dumps their American bonds and assets valued over a trillion dollars, you watch how fast this so called great economy falls apart!

If you are lucky you will get by until war chimp George is out of office and blame it on the next Democratic President!|||1. The economy crashed a year and a half after he took office.

2. his term ain%26#039;t over yet.

3. He%26#039;s run up the biggest national debt in history... by far!

4. The separation between the wealthiest and poorest americans is the largest since the industrial revolution.

5. Growth opportunities for the lowest rung in our society are the lowest ever.

but... it%26#039;s a great time to be rich.|||righto. that%26#039;s why the number of home foreclosures is the highest in 40 yrs and bread costs $3 a loaf.

PS. gee ... 4 thumbs down when i simply stated facts. oh yeah! i remember now ... the neoCONNED loath reality.|||That%26#039;s nice you get to have more stuff and the rest of the world gets to eat more of your pollution. Pat yourself on the back.|||Um, we had full employment during the Clinton administration. You didn%26#039;t show your facts and figures. I would check em again. And post them.|||bwaaahahahahahahahahaaaaa|||But the government actually Borrows money to spend. To get people to hand over the green they pay interest. This process is done at auctions, treasury auctions. If no one bids on the note, bills and bonds the price goes up. We are dependent today on foreign money. China holds a lot of currency as well as bonds. The exact amount is a tightly held state secret of the Chinese. There is big trouble looming my friend.|||upset? the true liberal elitists are LOVING IT !!!!

they make alot more $$$ and continue to slander the President so their blind followers won%26#039;t see their hypocrisy.|||With one of the higher deficits and warning that if congress doesn%26#039;t get spending under control, we will head in the direction of a depression.

We are upset because it isn%26#039;t sustainable. Once those troops come back there will be need for several hundred thousand more jobs in the US. Reason, for every troop in the field there are a handful of civilian workers handling the day to day things that we won%26#039;t need if we aren%26#039;t in a war.|||if you cherry pick your stats... you could say that...

.but if you look at the stats as a whole.. he inherited the best economy from Clinton... and hasn%26#039;t really improved it that much...

basically Clinton%26#039;s growth numbers were amazing... even if you figure in the dot com bust, he%26#039;s pretty much DOUBLED (or more than doubled) any growth Bush has had... in almost any economic category...

Bush has only slightly improved the numbers Clinton had...

it%26#039;s kind of like you giving me a piggy bank with $100 dollars in it... me putting $10 dollars in it... and then me taking credit for having $110 in the bank...

the actual unemployment rate is up from where Clinton was at the end of his term... and the only way you can say the %26quot;lowest%26quot; is if you take an average... and Clinton%26#039;s average was blown out of the water by HW%26#039;s rate that he inherited that was like 7 percent...

basically, your riding coat tails and taking the credit...

post the starting rate Bush had and his rate now... also post Clinton%26#039;s starting rate, and his ending rate...and Clinton%26#039;s starting dow numbers and ending numbers... and Bush%26#039;s starting down numbers and ending numbers...

I know I wouldn%26#039;t be upset with the results...|||Y E S, You%26#039;d better believe IT!!!!!!!!|||Where do you get your information? And how do you justify living in your fantasy world?

And more to the point: Can I have some of what you are smoking?|||Millions of menial jobs created while millions of high paying manufacturing jobs are gone overseas.

Just wonderful,Decider.|||You stopped taking your meds again, didn%26#039;t ya!??!|||You%26#039;re funny.|||And a husing market in a tailspin, declining real wages, massive deficit spending, rising inflation, skyrocketing energy prices, companies reneging on pension plans, health insurance no one can afford. . . .

Or to put it another way: maybe there are more jobs--but creating lots of jobs at WalMart that don%26#039;t pay enough to buy the gas to go to work isn%26#039;t helping the average person. And they don%26#039;t give a rat%26#039;s a*s about the health of your stock portfolio.|||the low unemployment rate is artificial because it only counts those on unemployment. those that have been out of work so long that their benefits have run out are dropped from the count. At least in the great Depression they counted everyone.

You should also note that the deficit is shrinking too because all the money spent on the war is coming out of Emergency funding rather than the budget and therefore isn%26#039;t part of the calculations used to define the state of the deficit. Just another way to keep those rose colored glasses polished.

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