Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Day laborers showers with culture irrigation sleeping under their porches drinking firewater ?


Read more at link.Plz if you cannot read-pass on this question.

Harry Thomas Jr. is the Ward 5 Council member who is meeting neighborhood opposition to his proposal to plant a day-laborer center near the Home Depot on Rhode Island Avenue Northeast.

The otherwise good residents of the Brentwood neighborhood take exception to the day laborers sleeping under their porches, drinking firewater on street corners and irrigating the trees, bushes and walls in their midst.

It is a cultural thing, and the fine folks of Brentwood just do not understand. The need to understand those from a foreign land is important, especially if they have come all this way to sleep under your porch, imbibe in bottled spirits and relieve themselves whenever it is necessary.

The enlightened Mr. Thomas wants to do right by the laborers, illegal or not, and has secured $500,000 in taxpayer money to build the center. D.C. officials have not said whether they will check the immigration status of the day laborers who congregate there. We would hope they would overlook this tiny detail.

The day laborers merely want to do the jobs that Americans refuse to do, at least when they are not sleeping under porches and showering plants with their natural fertilizer.

Alas, the process of building the center is moving slower than Mr. Thomas would like. The bureaucrats have yet to pick a permanent site, which is fine by Brentwood%26#039;s residents, most of whom have not evolved to Mr. Thomas%26quot; advanced state of enlightenment. They see a day laborer with a weak bladder on their yard and think it is deplorable. Mr. Thomas sees a day laborer with a weak bladder in a yard and acquires $500,000 in taxpayer money to help the person deal more effectively with this bodily function.

It is a beautiful thing, the city endeavoring to take the lead in the region in helping recent arrivals, illegal or not, try to resolve the emotionally distressing issue of a weak bladder.

City officials should build more day-laborer centers, one in each ward, in fact, to spread the joy of multiculturalism and diversity. This would be especially beneficial to the residents of Ward 3, most presumed to be adherents of multiculturalism and diversity but unable to live it from their incredibly pale enclaves.

The people in that neighborhood are already really ticked off. There have been several confrontations between the black working and middle class inhabitants and the illegals, so much so that there is an increased police presence there. If Harry Thomas thinks a day laborer center is such a good idea, how about putting it on his block? Better yet, how about ICE raid the area on a regular basis for a couple of months and see if the problem will sort itself out. And of course what Mr. Thomas is not acknowledging is the unemployment rate of black young men in the District, who have to compete with the illegals for the unskilled and semi-skilled jobs. Given that situation, the $500,000 request must be an especially bitter pill for the good people of Brentwood to swallow ,what would be your view on this ?

Day laborers showers with culture irrigation sleeping under their porches drinking firewater ?yes loans

If I wouldn%26#039;t allow animals to sleep under my porch, I certainly woudn%26#039;t let illegals sleep there. It is my porch, my yard and my home, not a Hotel 6 for some uncontrolled illegal who thinks he has a right to my porch for shelter. Public indeciency and intoxication also come to mind. More of the laws they choose not to obey! I think Brentwood has got a great law suit just waiting to happen. BTW, where does Harry Thomas live?

Day laborers showers with culture irrigation sleeping under their porches drinking firewater ? loan

You should get the KKK too... NAZI you are

that is what you can%26#039;t deny

you hate us browns

because we work hard

you hate us browns

because you cannot wipe off our smiles

you hate us

because we remind you of your crime

a nazi you are, KKK, bigot, a fascist

a kkk you are, son of genocidal maniacs

a nazi you are who enslaved millions of africans

petty little fascist, never worked in your life

your government steal and steals

so you can laze off, frightened inside gated homes

what a nazi you are

try working, try sweating.... then maybe you%26#039;ll understand

by the way little nazi... are you over weight?|||$500,000 of taxpayer money could be spent on so much better things. Like the article says, just let the ICE raid on a regular basis and it%26#039;ll sort itself out.|||haha thats a laugh riot. ship out the illegals and give the jobs to those americans that inhabit the neighborhood. if some people think thats a nazi tactic, too bad.|||That%26#039;s gross and scary. Human waste doesn%26#039;t fertilize plants, it kills them and spreads e coli. And Americans will too do those jobs. That%26#039;s how most of them get done. People who prefer foreign labor are cheating the system.

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