Sunday, July 12, 2009

Anyone else up for claiming "exempt" on their taxes?

I have heard Washington say that having a guest worker program, and these immigrants are important because of the tax revenue that they would bring in, and because they are needed for the jobs that %26quot;Americans%26quot; do not want . . .

What would happen if every honest hard working tax payer who does not agree with the immigration bill out there decides to claim %26quot;exempt%26quot;? Will this show Washington how important WE are?

As for the %26quot;unwanted%26quot; jobs, why not have every employer who would hire an illegal alien register with the state so that they can send out the unemployed that are capable of such work. If they do not accept work, don%26#039;t send them a check. The unemployment rate would drop dramatically, and so would the numbers crossing our borders.

Anyone else up for claiming %26quot;exempt%26quot; on their taxes?

Sounds good to me. We just need to get millions of U.S. Citizens to do it so the government can say %26quot;It Can%26#039;t%26quot; punish 12 million U.S. Citizen Taxpayers. I think that hiring U.S. Citizens first and foremost is extremely important and I go further by saying that it should be against the law and considered treason for any company to send personal information, especially social security numbers and tax I.D. off shore where foreign nationals have access to them. There is no way to punish foreign nationals for breaking U.S. Law if they are not on U.S. Soil. (Of course, the fact is that foreign nationals are not punished on U.S. soil regardless of what laws they%26#039;ve broken. The majority are still running free.)

Anyone else up for claiming %26quot;exempt%26quot; on their taxes? loan

No. I did that last year and I ended up owing money.|||Excellent ideas all.|||So, in order to show that the illegal tax revenue isn%26#039;t worth the bill, you want to reduce the tax revenue, thus making the illegal%26#039;s tax revenue even more important? Great Idea.

I do like your idea on unemployment. I think we should make it harder to hire illegals and easier to hire unemployed Americans.|||I%26#039;d happily do it if I could get at least 100k others to do it with me. The government has a big web, and can get the money they want in many ways. Without enough people united in a single cause, the statement would do nothing but get us fined.

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