Is Bush cocky because;
Since 9/11, he has prevented another major terror attack on USA soil.
He has restored Honor %26amp; Dignity to the White House.
He is a former fighter pilot
He has a Harvard MBA
The Bush economy has a ver very low 4.6% unemployment rate.
He has liberated 50 Million muslims from tyranny.
Or is it the whole Texas Swagger thing
What is it?
Why did Vicente Fox call Bush the %26quot;the ******** guy I have ever met in my life.%26quot; ?payday loan
Males in the Mexican culture value %26quot;Muchismo%26quot; .. or %26quot;Machoism%26quot; ... so to call him Cocky is actually a compliment coming from his culture... from our culture.. Machoism is looked down upon as allowing your testosterone to get the better of your logic.
So really.. he probably thought he was truly giving him a compliment.
Why did Vicente Fox call Bush the %26quot;the ******** guy I have ever met in my life.%26quot; ?
Maybe because Bush pretends to be a cowboy.|||Out of touch with reality|||Its also ironic because Bush has been very liberal in not doing anything about immigration and has made it clear he really like the illegal immigrants coming in|||No, he is cocky because he thinks that he can go against what the majority of the American people want, and just laugh in their faces. He KNOWS that he has committed illegal acts here in the US but will never pay for his actions.
Jeff ~ He pretty much laughs at his own party as well and has little respect for even most of them.|||Nothing wrong with being sure of yourself.
Lees he only laughs in the faces of liberals.
I happen to agree with him most of the time.|||I guess he never met Bill Clinton or Donald Trump.|||Penelope my darling, I realize by now that you have some sort of fetish for fake macho posturing. However I must bring you down to Earth with some facts
*9/11 happened during HIS administration.
**Honor and Dignity? Libby, Gonzalez, Cheney, Rumsfeld, ect.
***The man was never a fighter pilot. Alabama is not close to the Ho Chi Minh Trail.
****Texas Swagger: He is a prep school rich boy FROM CONNECTICUT.
Sorry momma, call it tough love.|||%26quot;I don%26#039;t recall.%26quot;
Maybe Jeff Gannon told him.|||President George Bush has not %26#039;prevented%26#039; a terrorist attack!
Restored dignity to the White House? Are you joking? Have you been smoking something? Should I remind you that the whole world hates us and thinks we%26#039;re a mindless bunch of swaggering idiots because of George Bush
A fighter pilot for a whole 3 months guarding the skies over texas? wow, and this while other brave americans were fighting in Viet Nam.
The middle class is earning less than they were six years ago and they can thank George Bush.
Liberated what? Again your smoking to much weed! Seventy percent of the Iraqi%26#039;s want us out of their country which George Bush destroyed.
Yes! Well no, we can%26#039;t blame Texas for this, besides he was born in Connecticut.|||Senor fox is not alone in that opinion. Millions of people all over the world feel the same way.|||Vincente does not like Bush or the current state of affairs between Mexican citizens and US policies with immigration.|||Maybe because he told him %26quot;Don%26#039;t mess with Texas!%26quot;
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