Just curious what made you one...was it your upbringing, your religion, or something else?
For me religion is a big reason, but another reason is I live in Michigan, which is a blue state, and it has like 2nd highest unemployment rate in the country and it%26#039;s full of a bunch of lazy people who refuse to get a job.
Why are you a conservative/liberal?unsecured loan
I am conservative and blame it entirely on a high IQ and a willingness to believe in the individuals right to succeed without the need to have a village raise my children for me.
Why are you a conservative/liberal? loan
Conservative... i think it was my upbringing... but mostly because to me liberalism just doesnt make sense.|||I think it might have been the quote my father told me that made me a Democrat:
%26quot;You can trust a Republican with everything except public office.%26quot;|||I am a Liberal.
I was raised in a Conservative, Southern Baptist home. And I used to hear my parents and grandparents talk about their values, and I couldn%26#039;t help but to think, %26quot;this isn%26#039;t right%26quot;. Especially on issues like gay marriage and abortion.
So... I%26#039;ve always been Liberal.|||Conservatives believe in winning. Liberals believe in taking their clothe off, reading scripts written by someone else and being politicians....oops maybe I meant Movies Stars?|||I am a liberal because I believe that people are more important than money, and with the trend in conservativism continuing where it%26#039;s headed, we%26#039;re going to end up in colonial England again, where our government spies on us and dips into our personal lives and dictates what religion we should practice.
I am a liberal because I believe in an individual%26#039;s right to govern his or her own life as he or she sees fit. These days, with neocons hijacking the Republican party, it seems like being a Republican means bigger, more intrusive government.
I miss the Republicans of the %26#039;80s.|||Conservative. I used to be a lot more moderate, but the more I%26#039;m exposed to the left, the more conservative I become. I live in a state where hunting, fishing, trapping, dog mushing, and yes, wearing (GASP) fur is part of everyday life and have been traditional here for THOUSANDS of years. Yet liberals are constantly harassing and often terrorizing law-abiding Americans who don%26#039;t share their %26quot;enlightened%26quot; point of view. And yes, I did say terrorism - the FBI agreed. Moderates who lean left, I%26#039;m fine with - I even have a lot of very liberal friends, but the far left scares the absolute hell out of me.|||i wish for the government to be applied conservatively not liberally. to me it is a matter of efficiency. there are certain coordinating efforts for which only a government can provide, like defending us from another country or on a local level, making a road. we cant do that for ourselves but it must be done. but because the government is necessarily adversarial and bureaucratic, it does so wastefully.|||I was brought up a staunch democrat. My dad and my brother would vote for Mickey Mouse if he was running on the democrat ticket.
I registered democrat because that%26#039;s what I thought I was suppose to do. When I started reading the issues I realized while I might have been a FDR, JFK democrat...the democrats of today do not represent me or anything I stand for. Therefore I now vote republican although I would vote for any candidate if I feel they are the right choice.|||I lean more liberal I also live in MI, my upbringing has little to do with my political viewpoints.|||I realized that you could be happier if you work hard, manage your money, play by the rules and pay your debts. Responsibility and integrity are essentials to being a happy, healthy person who is able to have or get what they want, without help from the government. The conservative lifestyle instills pride in accomplishment.|||I%26#039;m a liberal, but only because I%26#039;m labeled that way.
I believe homosexuals should have the same marital rights as anyone else.
I believe women should have be responsible for their own body and the decisions about what to keep or take out of it.
I believe Health Care and education should be a fundamental right AND a priority of any decent society.
I believe we need the government for some things, and that when we need it, it should have enough money to perform for us.
I believe some people need help, and I want to help them if I can. Sometimes government is the best way to help people.
I don%26#039;t believe that hatred is ever an excuse... even if a religion says it is.
I%26#039;m a liberal, because most people label me that way because of what I believe, I guess.|||My liberalism has nothing to do with my parents. My mother did influence my thinking though. It would have been hard not to since she has always been a news addict, sittin%26#039; in front of the TV talkin smack to Reagan when I was a kid.
In the kindergarten, we had a mock election day, and I was the only kid in my class to vote Carter.
I do not hold that my politics are 100% from my parents, as I now have lived long enough to see the world through my own eyes. However I do respect that they are religious people, who don%26#039;t vote based on that reason!
I try to involve my daughter in politics as much as possible, and am very proud that she knows about things that most her age don%26#039;t (mini liberal in training).
I will not be voting the same as my parents for primaries, and am debating whether to lock Mom in the closet to keep her from voting for HILLARY!!!
(she may be just trying to play with my head)|||all you have to do is read how people post on this site ..the hate and lies of the republicans seethes pigs blood upon the people of this country. while the democrates at least try to be civil.....its a no brainer......|||I have been a liberal since I went out in the real world, and discovered through my own experience, how hard life is, and how much of a struggle life is, for the poor and the working class. I also grew up in a middle class home, and I saw the snobbery that a majority of even middle class people can demonstrate. The gap between the rich and the poor keeps getting wider and wider. And, the older I get, the more my eyes open to the selfishness and the greed of the elite, as they get rich by exploiting the very people they are getting rich off of. You are judging people whose stories you know nothing about. But you think corporate welfare is perfectly okay! *sm*|||You actually think the unemployment rate is the RESULT of people being lazy?|||Where in Michigan are you ? I live in Michigan also the unemployed here are not lazy . Most have lost jobs in manufacturing which have moved to China . Families are losing their homes and health care. The jobs that are left are being taken by illegals with anchor babies. The new welfare queens. In my part of Michigan no one is refusing work. There is very little work available. This is comparable to the great depression.
Michigan does not need a illegal work program. We need a federal government that cares about the prosperity of it%26#039;s legal citizens.
I am neither conservative or liberal . In all future elections I will vote what is best for my pocket book.
I will vote for the candidate who cares about my economic future and the safety of my family.
I live in
Devos, VanAndel and Meijer Town
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