Sunday, July 12, 2009

Should we have a mandatory national service (where all 18 year olds have to join the military) in th

I think it would be a great idea. Rich and poor, black and white would stand side by side (or crawl in the mud in boot camp, side by side). We would make our decisions about going to war more seriously. The young would learn respect, discipline, and all of the hard lessons military life teaches. It would lower the unemployment rate. The list goes on and on.

Should we have a mandatory national service (where all 18 year olds have to join the military) in the US?bad credit loan

I love it. Everyone sees this issue only in black and white. What happens to those that can%26#039;t serve for whatever reason? Medical, mental, hardship, etc.

Most European countries have the right of it. They have a mandatory 12 months military service, with the option of continuing on if the soldier wishes. They are paid a minimum amount of money during the 12 months, but everything is provided for them.

IF they cannot do the military for whatever reason (medical, mental, hardship, etc), then they will do 24 months of community service (volunteer fire dept, meals on wheels, etc).

Should we have a mandatory national service (where all 18 year olds have to join the military) in the US?


Sounds good to me.|||no, then immigrants 66 or over would fight, imagine, old people killing eachother|||I understand your point, but there%26#039;s no reason to enforce that. We already have enough military support as it is.|||I think it would be stupid. First of all, not all 18 year olds are physically fit. Second, there are a lot of smart kids that would be killed (in Iraq). Third, when would the kids go to college?|||I agree with you but when you have a country that you can pretty much do anything you want with the right amount of cash you will never see that instated. Remeber vietnam when they enstated the draft.|||Absolutely a great big YES!!!|||In theory it might be a good idea, but I don%26#039;t think it would work. By forcing everyone to serve, you would get people who really didn%26#039;t want to. And do you really want to put your life in the hands of someone who really doesn%26#039;t want to be there?|||every able bodied, red blodded american should join the military.

YAT-YAS|||No war - just Peace - Only the supporter of war should go to battlefield - particularly those politician%26#039;s grown-up children who supported the Iraq war. And Some Talking Heads in TV and Radio should go to Iraq to fight for you and me. Peace - and non violent is the key answer.|||18 year old mexicans yes let them serve they wanna live here shed some blood|||Dumb idea.

The US military is not a jobs program. Our purpose is to win wars - let us decide what type of people we need to do this.

If you want to play social engineer - do it with something that is not as important as the military.|||Compulsory military service is not a good idea. For one thing, there are those young people who are unfit in some way for military service due to physical or mental reason. Also, there will be those who are opposed for one reason or another to military service. Plus, the cost of the program would blow our US budget sky-high.|||Having served in the US Marines I understand that the making of loyal, hardworking, disciplined young men and women by the Military is a cool idea. However, the military, prefers the volentary enlistment of its soldiers. Not only does this have the advantage of people who want to be there, it allows them the opportunity to pick the best of those who apply, and gives us the best military and soldiers in the world. So, I tend to disagree with the mandatory part. Since this would not necessarily create a better person, unless that person wanted to better themself in the first place.|||it sounds good and it would teach them alot but i was in the military and there are draw backs to.the military is full of men of poor could also corrupt good kids.|||I have always thought it would be a good idea.|||No.

U.S. military often go to the wrong wars and killing million of innocent people, losing hundred of us solders and it hure my feeling.|||No. I don%26#039;t think it would do any good. I don%26#039;t want to fight alongside anyone who doesn%26#039;t want to be there.|||I think it would be a great Idea. It would give some young kids direction . For those unable to serve do to a disabilty. Like Cerebral Palsy or other true disabilities there should be another way of serving our country. My youngest wants to join but never can because she has CP but I am all for her trying, even though I know she never will.|||I always thought it would be a great idea, especially the fact that it would lower the unemployment rate. There are to many teenagers out there that don%26#039;t know what to do with their life. this would help a lot. I%26#039;m 18, and i know a lot of people my age who would be willing to fight for their country and get all the benefits it offers, of course, i%26#039;m a girl, and they probably won%26#039;t make us do it. the military teaches a lot, and gives you experience that can help you throughout life.|||I don%26#039;t think we should and here is why. I am an officer in the US Army and I don%26#039;t want to lead people that don%26#039;t want ot be there. I need people that want to be there that I can trust. if we make everyone join the military the quality of the military will be degraded.

do you really wnat to put the secuirty of this country in the hands of 18 year olds who don%26#039;t want to be there in the first place?|||I think everyone should go through a bootcamp of some sort when they graduate high school, just so the military can determine who is best qualified (and least qualified) for combat just in case a quick draft is needed. I think those that pass the bootcamp with the highest honors should receive the option of a free college education as well as the U.S. government finding them a high paying job within the Government, and then in return, they should serve in the reserves one weekend a month. This way, the person would have opportunities offered to them, yet they would not be committed if they decided it wasnt for them.

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