Sunday, July 12, 2009

Is it wise to quit a job that you don't like without having another job to go to?

There is not enough info in the question to answer it intelligently, but that shouldn%26#039;t stop most YA people from shooting off an opinion.

In some ways, it%26#039;s fortunate that this myth is widely believed.

If everyone who doesn%26#039;t like his job quit tomorrow, the unemployment rate would shoot up to 70% and the economy would lurch to a halt, and a depression would soon follow.

But, in my opinion, it%26#039;s best to just quit if you are deeply dissatisfied.

This assumes that you have enough savings to live on until you find another job.

Advantages of being unemployed while you look for a job:

1. You can start work immediately. For many jobs, this may be important.

2. You have the time and energy to devote to a proper job search.

Anyone care to comment?

Is it wise to quit a job that you don%26#039;t like without having another job to go to?

It%26#039;s always easier to get a job when you have one because there is a perceived attitude that employers have that states you are more desirable, hence you are in a stronger bargaining position. Of course if you hate your job, it has an effect on your mental attitude that may make you come across poorly in an interview. I guess the final decision is whether or not you can afford to quit. If you can do so, then take the leap, make getting a job your full time job, and go for it.

Is it wise to quit a job that you don%26#039;t like without having another job to go to? loan

If you do not have bills to pay, maybe you live a home with your parents or something like that. But normally, if you quit a job you want another job to go on to that is better then the one you left.|||It is fine if you have enough savings to get by on as when already in a job you dislike you tend not to look for a new job as active and months on you are still stuck in the job you hate.

The other downside to some though would be if the savings where soon running out and rushing in to take the first job offer that came your way and may end up once again in a job that you hate.|||Sometimes it%26#039;s a good idea to quit a terrible job even when you don%26#039;t have a new job. I always say that if you are made miserable in the place you work, your mental health is more important than money. The fact that you are ultimately unemployed is an excellent motivator to find alternative work. It works better if you are a single person with no dependents.|||I did because I can make it own my own:


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