Sunday, July 12, 2009

How has the economy improved since 2000?

Several times I%26#039;ve heard people say the economy is much better than it was in 2000.

So I%26#039;m looking...and I see:

Gas prices nearly 3x higher

Health costs much higher..

Wages growing less than inflation

(Sources: Your local gas station,

And you can look at the stock market

When Clinton was President, it went from 3500 in 1993 to over 11,000 by 2001.

When Bush is President, it went from 11,000 to 12,000.

In 2000, the unemployment rate was 4%. Now it was 4.7 for March of this year.

What kind of morons can look at these statistics and say the economy is better in 2007 than it was in 2000?

Unless you%26#039;re a defense contractor, or investing in oil companies, or running a health organization..then the economy is NOT better for everyone else.

How has the economy improved since 2000?child tax credit

I think if you are talking about the economy, it depends on who is doing the talking. When9/11 happened, 1 trillion dollars was ripped from the American economy. Someone has to pay for that - and right now its us! You are right when you say it hasn%26#039;t improved. We are still dealing with the 1 trillion dollar loss AND the Iraqi war that costs billions of dollars everyday. Just because the financial newspapers and the stock market shows a gain, is that gain real or is it just on paper so the people don%26#039;t freak out over this?

America is in a real mess and the only way to stop it is for us to pull out of Iraq and then we need to mend our wounds from 9/11. We can%26#039;t get it done with an moron as a president!

How has the economy improved since 2000?


It%26#039;s certainly no better for me. My company is folding because they can%26#039;t compete with labor costs in India.


Not %26quot;my%26quot; company per se, I don%26#039;t own it.|||Everything is twice or more expensive than it was in 2000.|||your paying attention i see? thank you for your service, your a true patriot. halliburton is doing well though, hhmmmm|||It hasn%26#039;t.

Great analysis Ann Marie. I mean it!|||Stock market booming with real profits..not like the Clinton market driven by imaginary company profits...housing ownership at record level.....record low unemployment...|||Well when Clinton was president, the economy was spiraling in the hole. Bush has brought it back up to better than it%26#039;s been ever. I know you%26#039;re going to say the it was better in Clinton%26#039;s time but if we look at it the way you do, it was MUCH better before he was president. I remember selling a pack of cigarettes and a gallon of gas for the same price which was 36 cents.|||The US Economy really has not improved. The high stock prices are priced in dollars which have been losing value. The real value of those stocks compared to the price of commodities or currencies that have not been devalued over the last 7 years (Euros or Canadian) is very unimpressive.|||It has only improved for the rich because the middle class and poor have gained nothing but lower wages and smaller savings.

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