%26quot;For the second straight day, both the S%26amp;P 500 index and Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at record highs. On July 6, 2007, The Bureau Of Labor Statistics Released New Jobs Figures 鈥?132,000 Jobs Created In June. Since August 2003, more than 8.2 million jobs have been created, with more than 2 million jobs created over the twelve months ending in June. Our economy has now added jobs for 46 straight months, and the unemployment rate remains VERY low at 4.5 percent. %26quot;
LIBS - This is HORRIBLE news right? Down with Bush, right?
DOW, S%26amp;P 500 closes at record high Friday, Is this more BAD news LIBS?car loan
no...libs have the most money to invest %26amp; do it wisely...red staters tend to live paycheck to paycheck
DOW, S%26amp;P 500 closes at record high Friday, Is this more BAD news LIBS? loan
US sales retail dropped considerably this past June which could very well mean a slower third quarter.|||Youre expecting liberals to acknowledge good news?
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!|||well great,wonderful,by a new hummer,enjoy that sexual freak party.cause the Dem,s do not care about stock market,,,,maybe one day soon like ,when they win next year.I%26#039;m sure another Martha Stewart ,is in the republican pile....with very white teeth,,,chow,,p,s ,your avatar is fabulous,,,accept my answer as a right,,,|||Bush takes credit for too much.
Realistically the stock market reflects one thing investor confidence in american multinational corporations.|||absolutely --- but sadly they will %26#039; drain the coffers %26#039; before the %26#039; incumbent %26#039; government takes over .
we have the same drama here in oz --- the libs are on a slide and a hiding to nothing --- but they%26#039;ll make sure ther%26#039;s nothing for the labour party to %26#039; play %26#039; with .
they are a greedy callous mob of morons who are power charged --- and when the lollies are taken away --- they spit the dummy . !!!
down with bush !!! --- you bet --- but the ignorant fool is still heading down the path of vietnam --- just like our american puppet over here --- aka --- johnny howard !!!
you got to ask yourself --- where the priorities are !? i.e aids in america ( south carolina ) can%26#039;t get help --- but pump millions into a s--t hole like iraq ( who won%26#039;t , can%26#039;t or don%26#039;t want to help themselves ) and therein lies the answer to gullible stupidity .
good luck|||All I know is that my portfolio, small as it may be, has been growing steadily over the past 2 years big time. It keeps going like this, my kids college educations are paid for in about 5 years, and they are only 2 years old and newborn.
I%26#039;m starting a new job in August at a new property. Not because I was looking for one, I have one now. They called me to come work for them at a 12% pay increase.
Could that be the result of hard work and continuity?
I am a conservative.|||are you REALLY so ignorant as to believe that %26#039;lib%26#039; actually WANT the stock market to perform poorly? have you drunk THAT much %26#039;coulter and savage brand%26#039; kool-ade?
bush has proven himself an abject failure at pretty much everything he touches except making sure that no millionaire gets left behind...tell a factory worker or sales clerk to try spreading the S%26amp;P 500 index on a cracker to feed his/her family|||Yes, great news!
The indices closed much higher than over 3,000 soldiers, who remained down, six feet.|||War breeds prosperity. Do we really want to build our economy on deficit spending and national and personal debt? What kind of jobs were created? Minimum wage, service sector jobs? I think you should look a little deeper. Also, do you realize that the American dollar has LOST over a quarter of its value overseas? Foreign money is financing our national debt. That sounds good, right? Think again. Our foreign financiers will be pulling their investments as soon as it is feasible for better returns on their investments. The reason for the low dollar is artificially low interest rates. Hence, when the money supply starts to shink due to devestment, interest rates will rise--just about in time for the next president.
It looks great on my portfolio, but you need to look where it is going. Surface indications don%26#039;t always tell the full truth.
I have a feeling you know that.|||YEA|||No, hon...ask your investment counselor.
It%26#039;s called %26quot;eveyone wants to get on a moving train.%26quot;
The trend will eventually reverse.
Bush gets no credit for any of this.
Sorry. Nice try but no cigar.|||Not good for the liberals at all. That%26#039;s one less thing they can blame Bush for. lol|||Terrible, but they have become very good at ignoring good news the past 6 ? years.
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