1.8yrs of a unpopular Republican President
2. unpopular war in Iraq
3. bad economy (bad housing market)
4. unemployment rate at 5.1% (80,000 jobs lost in March. 250,000 jobs lost this year so far)
the American people are very concerned with these issues. Americans are smart enough not to fall for the lies and hate-mongering some conservatives do. the American people want to focus on the actual issues.
McCain has a huge task in front of him. the odds are against him.
How is the election in November going to be easy for McCain?
Do conservatives on here seriously believe the general election will be easy for McCain?car financing
He hasn%26#039;t had much attention paid on him yet but he will. People who are saying it is Ok that he knows nothing about economics will see that even if does have good people (shich he won%26#039;t) to do the work he should be smarter than a 5th grader or smarter than Bush which he is not. I think these people will wake up %26amp; see he is not going to be good for them personally %26amp; that will cause them not to vote. So even the stupidest consevatives cannot believe it will be easy for him. Everytime he opens his mouth it will be obvious that he can not control his temper, he is stupid, he has alot of crap from his past including a wife that stole money from a charity when her family already is worth millions, etc.
Do conservatives on here seriously believe the general election will be easy for McCain? loan
No one thinks that it will be easy . . . The country is trending strongly Democrat right now, for all the reasons you mentioned (although unemployment at 5.1% is historically very low).
But I do think two things . . .
1) McCain gives Republicans the best chance (it would be much harder for say Romney or Huckabee to win)
2) It might be easier to win in the general election than winning the primary was for him.
Remember it took him two tries to win the Republican nomination (2000 and 2008), mainly because he was too moderate for the far right. McCain needed multiple conservative candidates to split votes (he got that with Huckabee, Romney, and Thompson). He also needed Guiliani to fail so that there would be no one to steal moderate votes away.
It also took a virtually perfect scenario for him to win the nomination this year.
--Huckabee upseting Romney early (keeping multiple conservative candidates in the race)
--Guiliani failing to win any early state (keeping McCain as the sole %26quot;moderate%26quot; Republican
--Romney keeping Huckabee from gaining too much momentum (A few more votes for Huckabee in SC or FL and it might be a different story)
--Thompson waiting too long to enter (conservatives never found a candidate to rally around)
--McCain gettign hot at the right time in NH, and winning close early states like South Carolina and Florida.
If any of those things didn%26#039;t happen exactly, McCain would not have won. I say his path to the nomination was 1 in 100. As far as the general election, I%26#039;d give him a 1 in 2.5 chance.|||Yeah, but remember that Bill set the stage......|||Because America isn%26#039;t going to elect a socialist, especially a black socialist or a witch like Hillary.
Edit: How am I stooping to call Obama a %26quot;black socialist%26quot;? Sorry, should I have said %26quot;mixed-race socialist%26quot;? Have you seen any opinion polls on Hillary? She is not very well liked to say the least and many a voter would call her names worse than witch. They ARE both socialists who want the government to pay for virtually everything (i.e. their health care, housing %26quot;crisis%26quot; plans, etc.).|||Easier than you think.|||All the things you mention and the (d) candidate should be way way ahead!! What does that tell you?|||Forget about McCain, he is a waste of time and he should be concentrating on fidning a good retirement home.
Anyone who votes for him is an idiot. I respect him for his service and think he would be better as secretary of defense but not president.
We need Democrats to fix the mistakes of the republicants.|||Well it will be easy should Obama be the Dem Nominee as he will never be able to match him in foreign affairs which is still important to most Americans.
I do not think he can win against Hillary but it would still be a close election.|||No as we have too many liberal college
students now voting who just want
at any cost. They%26#039;ve forgotten change is
not always for the good. We need to know
what kind of change? But, that%26#039;s all Demo-
crats want you to know.
Don%26#039;t forget that Democrats control
Congress and we still have a bad economy
and unemployment. Why haven%26#039;t they made
a difference yet?|||if peolpe want four more years with bush then mccain is their man. he has both senior an junior backing him what else can i say. i think that says it all jordyn42|||With what we have, yes! Here%26#039;s a taste, you%26#039;ll get the rest in the October at the %26quot;Octobabrama%26quot;
First Wright, Now Rezko
http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=Nzd...|||They actually think it will be very difficult for McCain.
Obama has support from people you never thought would support him.
http://www.transworldnews.com/NewsStory....|||actually...it shouldnt be that hard for mccain if obama gets the nom
all mccain has to put in his commercials are vids of obama not putting his hand over his heart..while next to other politicians that did...and michellle obama saying that she is for the first time in her adult life proud to be an american--absolute ingrate
why would/should people want nonpatriots in the white house? dont like it, why would u want to lead it?
f%26#039; em|||It will be easier than you think if Obama is the nominee. He has too many skeletons in his closet that haven%26#039;t even come out yet and when they start swift boating him he%26#039;ll be sunk. At least with Clinton we already know the stuff they would use against her and it will be nothing new.|||Noone thinks it%26#039;ll be easy but some of your points are off.
I%26#039;ll give you #1-Conservatives don;%26#039;t like Bush to much.
#2- No wars are popular, but it%26#039;s only a major deal to those that don%26#039;t see the importance of a stable and freindly Iraq. Conservatives would LOVE to see our troops home, but we realize there is a job to do, it is being done, and things are progressing in a positive direction there.
#3-Housing Mkt is not Bush%26#039;s fault, nor directly the gvts. Why do people keep saying that it is. The closest you can come to is that Pelosi and Reid met with lending orgs and asked them to loosen restrictions-which they did. These looser restrictions allowed lenders to loan money to some who should not have and some people took riskier loans than they should have. That%26#039;s not the presidents fault, it%26#039;s the individuals fault.
#4-unemployment is lower than it was a few years back. It%26#039;s going up right now, I agree, but over the full term it has been lower than that and better than it was in Carter%26#039;s time and maybe even Clinton%26#039;s term (not sure there). I%26#039;ve regularly heard it around 3-4% for several years.
I agree that these are big issues. I agree that Bush and Congress messed up by spending lots of $ and time on the war. I agree that we appear to be going toward a recession. I do not agree that higher taxes with more entitlements are the way to go.
By the way I%26#039;m not a hate-mongerer and not sure where libs get that conception of conervatives.|||Most people responding to your post are not conservative but people that think they are because they hate gays, blacks and problems with abortions and love guns.
I am a conservative, I dont care about who does what with her body we all have answer to God. I dont hate gays and blacks. I own many guns and most of all I dont like my money wasted on food stamps for people that drive $40K cars. I earn over $200K a year wont get that IRS check that everyone else will and I know I am a conservative. I can tell you one thing Even if hell freezes over I will not vote GOP this year. I will vote for anyone else even Micky Frekin Mouse but not GOP.|||Yes I think McCain will crush Obama in the general election. Racist and hates America... he stands no chance in the general election!|||I hope not.
%26#039;Obama 08%26#039;
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